Logo Pro-iTek

The Apple Experts in the Laurentians

With our MAC expertise, we can provide professional service that lives up to your expectations. We’ve been offering repair, maintenance and support services to loyal Apple customers since 2008.

Pro-iTek specializes in the repair of Apple products, including all Macs and Mac operating systems. We have the knowledge needed to fix practically any Mac problem.

MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, iMac or Mac Pro: you’re in good hands with us! Whether the problem concerns your computer’s hard drive (HDD or SSD), RAM, battery or screen, you can rely on our qualified team to diagnose and repair the problem. We also offer operating system reinstallation and data backups to give you peace of mind and relieve your anxiety.

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MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacMini, iMac ou MacPro

Avec nous, pas de soucis! Peu importe le problème physique : disque dur (HDD ou SSD), mémoire vive (RAM), batterie ou bris d’écran, notre équipe qualifiée pourra diagnostiquer et réparer votre Mac en toute confiance. Nous offrons également la réinstallation ou la sauvegarde de vos données pour assurer votre tranquillité d’esprit et minimiser votre anxiété.

Apple for Businesses

Our team will be happy to integrate and support Apple products at your business. Thanks to our specialized expertise, we’re the ideal partner for companies that use both Macs and PCs. A quick visit to our “Services” section will give you an idea of the breadth of our expertise!

See our services

More details on our expertise

Hard drive and SSD

Whether for a repair or an upgrade, our team has all the qualifications needed to diagnose and replace hard drives for all Mac models.

We stopped counting the number of times we’ve installed an SSD on a Mac. This upgrade is probably the most beneficial for the vast majority of customers.

Data Recovery

Individuals – and even companies – sometimes underestimate the importance of backing up their data. And when an incident occurs, the resulting stress and anxiety are unimaginable!

To provide quick assistance when critical situations (data losses, hard drive failures, etc.) occur, we offer a highly reliable and efficient Mac data recovery service.

Technical Support

The Pro-iTek team provides technical support for all Apple software. We can do this remotely (through a screen-sharing session), at our Saint-Sauveur shop or at your location, whether at your business or at home.

We can also completely reinstall Mac operating system and back up your data (if desired). We also recommend that you contact us for any major operating system upgrade to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Network specialist

In our hyper-connected world, the slightest network failure can cause its share of frustrations. Our technicians are trained to offer you the best wired and wireless network solutions available in the small business market.

Our residential customers often opt for business network solutions at home so that they can enjoy all the performance and stability that our solutions provide.

Virtualization and Bootcamp

In the event that you are unable to do without an application available only on Windows, we support Bootcamp and the different virtualization solutions for Mac (VMware Fusion and Parallel Desktop) to allow you to run Windows applications on your Mac.

Are you hesitating between using Bootcamp or virtualization? Contact one of our technicians so that they can recommend the solution that best meets your need.


We’re one of the rare suppliers in the region with a wide range of Mac-compatible RAM in stock. We can check, add and replace RAM, if your Mac allows it.

Since the latest updates to MacOS, we recommend a minimum 8 GB of RAM for your Mac to run smoothly.


Are you wondering about a specific problem? Stop wasting time and contact one of our technicians. We’ll be able to address all your questions and even direct you to the best resource if we don’t have the expertise required to assist you.

Glass and screen replacement

We can replace the glass and LCD screen of all iMacs (2009 models and up).

Please note that, for models from late 2012 on, the LCD panel and glass are laminated together, so it is not possible to replace the glass only.

Battery replacement

Unfortunately, batteries don’t last forever. On average, a modern MacBook Pro can complete up to 1,000 charge cycles. For a person who frequently works with their laptop unplugged, 1,000 cycles can represent 4 to 5 years. The good news is that batteries can be replaced, and your computer will perform like new.

Other problems

Are you wondering about a problem but aren’t sure we can help? We provide technical support, MacOS reinstallations, the possibility of running Windows applications, as well as network maintenance and optimization for the entire Mac line. Contact one of our technicians and we’ll answer your questions!

L’informatique avec un vent de fraîcheur

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